Ben Jordan Case 4 Ben Jordan Case 4
Made by: Grundislav Games
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Good plot
Good music
Challenging puzzles
P.I. handbook doesn\'t update


Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator -Case 4- The Horror at Number 50, was released to the general public in March of 2005 by Grundislav as the fourth game in a famous ags game series. It was immediately received as an awesome game, and the public have labeled it as a classic ever since.



Ben Jordan returns from his adventure in Scotland with Percy Quentin Jones to England to relax after his harrowing experience. But almost as soon as they enter the office, a man come in and requests the services of one Mr. Ben Jordan to come and investigate the horrific haunting of Number 50, Berkeley Square. He tells them about the ghost, and Ben accepts the job readily, though warily. Ben arrives to find that he is not alone in the case. There are four other investigators on the case. The owner of the house quickly leaves them to their jobs, and give Ben his phone number in case Ben has any questions.The rest retire to their rooms and leave Jordan to start investigation on the horror at Number 50...

Game play:

The Game play in this game is exactly the same as the Sierra games from the 90's. The author didn't bother to change the GUI, so you will see the same GUI as in most Space Quest games. Also, the pointage system is back, that's right, when you learn something of importance, you receive a certain amount of points. This adds to the interesting factor of the game, as you will probably compete with yourself to see if you can get a score of 100. Also, when you get some points, a ghost howls in the distance to add to the coolness and uniqueness


The characters in this game are very cool and diverse. One is a female psychic, while another is a punkish rocker named Simon. One is a brunette beauty and another isa quiet handsome man in his 20's. The character cast was well received by the public, and characters like Simon were asked to be in the next games, which they are.


The puzzles in this game are quite challenging, and will keep the most seasoned Sierra gamists in a straitjacket. They vary from finding a key to pulling off an exorcism. (5 Days a Stranger anyone




The replayability in this game is high, as it is very interesting and the story keeps you wanting to play it over and over.


This game is very good and is easily the best of the series so far. It is very well known, is interesting, fun, and the story is very enjoyable. Download this game as quickly as possible, don't hesitate.

Review by: Fawfulhasfury

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28,9 MB
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Age rating:
Strong language, blood, thematic elements, scary images
Safe for ages: 18+
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