Damsel: Chapter 1 - Stress On The Tress Damsel: Chapter 1 - Stress On The Tress
Made by: Strange Visitor
Website: http://www.bigbluecup.com/games.php?action=de...
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Funny dialogue
Nice ending
Really, really short
Very limited locations
Not too much detail

In this game you are Damsel, a pampered princess kipnapped by the evil wizard Dorkus. The wizard took you away to force you to marry him, and since then you have been resisting his advances. But his patience is wearing thin, and he said that tomorrow he will marry you, no matter what. So, you must escape. The title screen says it is chapter one of a (hopefully) continuing series, so this is more of an introduction than a full game.

It's been made in AGS, and it's a simple point and click interface: left click for interaction, right click for examining. The inventory is in the bottom of the screen, along with the hints, the save/load and the exit button. So all the interface is on screen all the time: no need for windows, except for the save/restore dialog. The only thing I have against the interface is a common problem with AGS games: the hotspot is in the middle of the cursor. But, fortunately, there is no pixel hunting, so you should get all your clicks in the right place.

The graphics are nice, although little care has been added to detail. Considering that the whole game happens in the room where you are locked (the balconies scenes are cutscenes), it could all have been a little more detailed. But at least the graphics do their job and don't confuse you with red herrings and useless descriptions.

The game has an integrated hint system that give you hints in verse, each poem more explicit than the one before, until it shows a checklist of all the actions you need to do to solve the puzzle. Although it is a nice gesture, there is no real need for it because the puzzles are simple and easy.

The version here has voice-overs, which has some amateurish feel to it, but it's not really bad. The music is nice and has a medieval feeling to it, although it seems to be somewhat quiet on my PC. But it goes well with the atmosphere and it doesn't have time to become intrusive nor repetitive. There aren't too many sound effects, and they are somewhat crude, but they get the job done.

The story is fun and simple, and the remarks of the princess really get the humor going. But the scene of the woodcutter could be disturbing for some. That, some adult themes, and a little gore at the end makes it safe for 15 years old and older.

Even though it has its share of bad points, I do recommend to play it for those that want to kill a couple of minutes and don't care for the size of the download. But it's a very short game and the replayability is nill: you will get no more than 10 minutes of enjoyment out of this, but they will 10 minutes of fun and smiles. If there are more chapters coming, I would surely play them.

Review by: El Quia

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56 MB
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Adult themes, some gore
Safe for ages: 15+
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