Dirty Split Dirty Split
Made by: Dreamagination Entertainment
Website: http://www.dreamagination.org/?page_id=2
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Well written story
Excellent voice acting
Unusual style of graphics
Large download


There has been a murder. The victim? Dr Christopher Bedford, a highly successful Plastic Surgeon with a practice in Los Angeles. The accused? Mr Walter Vanderbuilt, a privileged man from a wealthy family. It's a textbook case. The police have their suspect, so as far as they are concerned, the case is closed.

Mrs Vanderbuilt, convinced of her son's innocence, contacts you to investigate the case. You are Mr Alan Baxter, a private investigator, and it's up to you to find the real killer, and prove beyond doubt that Walter is innocent. Your search for the truth leads you on a bizarre journey, with many twists and turns, and uncovering many secrets about the good doctor. So keep following the clues until you reach it's final, twisted conclusion.




Dirty Split is a wonderful adventure game created by Dreamagination Entertainment, and the English version was released on 25 June 2008. The game is entirely mouse-controlled, and very easy to play. Simply right-click on an object or person, and 3 icons will pop up. The Eye allows you to look at things, the Hand lets you pick up or use an item, and the Mouth means you can talk to someone. Move your mouse up to top of the screen to see what items you are carrying. When talking to someone, a list of dialogue options appears at bottom of the screen, and you can click on whatever you want your character to say. Depending on which dialogue option you choose, this could branch off into further dialogue options. Once you have asked about something, that option is greyed out, so it's clear what you have asked about and what you haven't asked about. Pressing Escape brings up the Main Menu, where you can choose to Load a game, Save a game, Change options (turning subtitles on or off and changing the volume), or Quit the game.




The game uses an interesting art style, and has a wonderful '60s retro feel about it. Strong, bold colours have been used throughout, and I love the characters spindly arms and legs. Your inventory is shown at top of the screen, and each item is represented by a wonderful icon. Click on the green arrows at top left and top right to scroll through your inventory. I loved how characters moved their moves as they talked, and seeing the newspaper clippings at the end brought a wonderful conclusion to the game.




Dreamagination Entertainment have done a wonderful job here. Dirty Split is fully voiced, and each voice really seems to suit the character. Everyone from Alan Baxter's slightly hard-boiled gumshoe type voice, to the distressed and heartbroken Denise, to the smooth & sultry Madame Ferroux sounds just as I would imagine them to. Equal care has been given to the sound effects. You can hear things like Alan's footsteps as he walks, birds twittering in the air, doors opening or closing, and even the sound off airplanes flying past at the airport. There is a good variety of music, and it has a slightly jazzy\\\\bluesy sound to it, keeping in with the detective theme. The full soundtrack can be downloaded here - http://www.dreamagination.org/?page_id=5




I thoroughly enjoyed playing Dirty Split from start to finish. The dialogue is excellent, and I loved all the twists in the story. It was interesting uncovering secrets from Dr Bedford's past. The game is very bright and colourful, and the Eye\\\\Hand\\\\Mouth that are used to control actions are just wonderful. The characters have very spindly arms and legs which somehow create a 60's cartoon feel. Voice acting is spot-on, with everyone sounding just 'right'. The game has a large download, due to this voice acting, but it's definitely worth it. Every adventure fan is sure to love Dirty Split. So what are you waiting for? Start downloading the game, hehe.

Review by: Frodo

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182 MB
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