EmojiNation (Mobile Game) EmojiNation (Mobile Game)
Made by: N/A
Website: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id...
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Variety of puzzles
Approachable gameplay

EmojiNation is an interesting and unique application of emoticon puzzles and charades, interpreted with icons. Interpret emoji icons to guess the phrase.

The game has a lot of levels. Some are very easy, some are more complicated and it also has tricky levels that require a little bit of head scratching. Challenge yourself, train your brain and imagination. And if it becomes too difficult you can use hints to help you along or ask for your friends help!
The interface couldn't be simpler. Check out the combination of emoji atop the screen, and use your brightest brainpower to interpret the symbols into a legitimate phrase. The alphabet soup below contains the scrambled answer, so place the correct letters into the slots to solve each puzzle.
As well as the main EmojiNation game, there are two other maps you can play. EmojiGeo and EmojiMovies. These games are very similar but you guess places and movies... much like the main game you can get all your EmojiGeo answers and EmojiMovies answers online too.
It's a simple concept, but challenging. Look no further for Emojination tips and answers. Have fun!
Review by: Nick

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Safe for all ages
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