Flashbax Flashbax
Made by: Mark 'Foz' Fozbee
Website: http://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/site/gam...
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Nice \'parody\' story
Nice clear graphics
Weird puzzles
A bit short
Puzzles a bit easy
18 + version can be offensive

There are 2 versions of this game - The full version for over 18's and the lite version that is certificate 12.  Please be aware that the over 18's version contains graphic violence, strong language, graphic nudity, and more.  Please do no play this version if you are easily offended.

You can download both versions from the same page.

For this review, I have taken screenshots from the Certificate 12 version.

Flashbax is a point and click adventure game.  It was made by Mark 'Foz' Fozbee & Mucas Farts, and released on 4 September 2003.  It was made using AGS which was created by Chris Jones.


The story is a parody of the famous Flashback game.

You wake up in a cell, and you have no idea how you got there.  You do not remember anything - you don't even know your own name! You have a black box, but you do not know what it is for or what it does.

Therefore, you have to explore the place and find out who you are, and what exactly is going on.  Why were you locked up?  As the game progresses, you start to remember small details (hence the name 'Flashbax'), but you still don't know what is going on.  You HAVE to find out!

Of course, you cannot do anything until you escape from your cell...


This is a nice, 'point and click' game.  Move your mouse to the top of the screen to see icons like 'talk', 'pick up', 'walk', 'save'. 'load' etc.  Click on one of these icons, and then click on a person, or item on screen to carry out that action.  Your inventory items are shown along the bottom, and you can use them in a similar way.  Just click on one of your items, and then click it on the screen to use that item.


The graphics are quite cartoony, and simple.  There is some graphic violence (the over 18's version contains a lot more).  The icons at the bottom are nice and clear, so know what stuff you have at a glance.

Music and Sound Effects

The music is nice and inspiring.  I thought it had a slight sense of urgency throughout.  There are also some basic sound effects here, like footsteps when you walk, doors opening, or the guard snoring.  It adds a nice touch to the game.


The puzzles are slightly different in the full version and the lite version.  The lite version has been toned down a lot.  None of the puzzles are very hard, but there is more to be done in the full version.  Again, please note the full version contains more graphic violence  and strong language etc.


I think this game is well worth playing.  The full version is a bit obscene at times, but if you are not easily offended, then I highly recommend it.  Some risks have been taken, and that is rare in today's games.  It is nice that the author has made 2 different versions, so that everyone can enjoy this game.

Review by: Frodo

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Age rating:
Graphic violence, strong language, graphic nudity, and more. Also a certificate 12 lite version if easily offended
Safe for ages: 18+
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