I have no Tomatoes I have no Tomatoes
Made by: Mika Halttunen
Website: http://tomatoes.sourceforge.net/
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Bomberman gameplay
Completely in 3-D
Lacks story
Friendly fire always enabled

I have no Tomatoes is a surprisingly fun and simple Bomber man type arcade game. You play as a yellow tomato out to destroy all of the other tomatoes for reasons not explained. I have no tomatoes comes with both a single player mode and a single computer/keyboard co-op mode. The objective of the game is very simple, destroy as many tomatoes as you can in ten one minute long levels utilizing timed Bomber man type bombs and power ups.
The power ups you obtain through out the game by killing tomatoes are both fun and unique. Each has its own purpose, whether to just annihilate the other tomatoes or teleport you out of a sticky situation. There are obvious power ups, what else but kill tomatoes would you do with a napalm strike? There are also less obvious power ups though; who knows the mysteries of the potato man? Overall, there are nine power ups, plenty for such a short game.

The sound is pretty good, you can adjust the volume in the options menu, and in case you are somehow annoyed by the background music, you can always play something of your own in the game, the readme, included with the download, says how to. Each power up pretty much has its own sound, some of which are quite funny. There is a generic bomb explosion sound you hear also for each exploding bomb you place.
I have no tomatoes is pretty much completely in 3d, which is quite nice for a freeware game. Each enemy tomato is red, green, or blue. You are yellow, and so is your partner in co-op. The tomatoes look pretty much what you would expect, a walking tomato with short legs and big eyes. Overall the graphics are pretty nice.

The main problem with I have no Tomatoes is that it lacks a story, you simply just destroy tomatoes. Also, in co op mode, friendly fire is also always enabled, meaning that you can destroy your partner with one of your bombs, and on such small maps its just bound to happen. However, the creativity and pure fun of the whole game makes up for it.
In order to play I have no tomatoes you must have an OpenGL compatible graphics card, also the graphics card must support 512x512 textures. The game runs fine on other processors, but a Pentium2 is suggested. I have no Tomatoes runs at 60 Frames Per Second, however if that's too fast for your computer, the game will skip rates to compensate, you can still play, but the animations won't be as smooth.

Overall, I have no tomatoes is a blast, its great fun, and doesn't take up lots of time, you can play it on the fly. I believe it fully deserves a 4.3 out of 5, missing a five just because of a lack of story, and kind of annoying co-op.

Review by: Moogle

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(23 posts)
8,3 MB
Multiplayer modes:
Hot Seat
Age rating:
Safe for all ages
Windows (With an OpenGL compatible card)
At least a P2 processor recommended
Linux and MacOS X versions also available
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