Rob Blanc 2: Planet of the Pasteurised Pestilence Rob Blanc 2: Planet of the Pasteurised Pestilence
Made by: Yahtzee
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Nice longer Story
Good sounding music
Witty Dialogue
Touchy character positioning

Welcome to Rob Blanc 2, the second in this trilogy of games starring the universes newest hero Rob Blanc, as you go forth with another challenge to face as you try to prove yourself to the High Ones. This time around the game continues to be quite the adventure. As you have a new and exciting story to take part in as well the music and puzzles have changed up, more areas to explore and even a new partner to help you out, make this a worthy sequel to the first game.

This time around you, start again with your character Rob Blanc after the events of the last game, this time around Rob wants to take his new ship and start going around the universe. But the High Ones tell Rob that maybe he should head back to earth for a month to say his good-byes and whatnot. So Rob does that and soon he ends up meeting someone new while traveling up the elevator, to see his boss from his old job on earth, but suddenly the elevator stops and that's where the adventure begins.

This time around the graphics is exactly the same as in the first game, so that can be a good or bad depending on how you see it. I didn't find it to be a problem as I found the graphics in the first game to be good already so that's fine. The environments and characters are very bright and really looking good as you progress through the different areas of the game. There is more musical tracks this time around, so that was good to see, also depending on the areas you visit the music will change, there are even a few tracks that are fairly reminiscent of some tracks some gamers have heard before, I'll let you figure that one out. Puzzles in the game are very nice and challenging again, and they make sense when you use the items together for the obstacles you'll face.

There is also a lot more dialogue this time around in the game and it's just as funny and witty as it was in the first game so that was entertaining to see. Seeing the way both, your characters will react and such in the game was interesting to see and it certain made the game experience that much more memorable. The actual length of the game too this time around is much longer than the first time around and it presented more challenges, more areas to explore and more to do which is something that a sequel should usually do anyhow and this game nailed it on those points. Other than the odd time I had positioning my character to go into certain areas, there really isn't anything else I found wrong with the game, everything else works fine and I really enjoyed this game. So if you've played the first game from the series or your want to just play an adventure game, check out this title and see for yourself in the journeys of Rob Blanc, to be the hero of the universe!

Review by: DeathDude

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Mild Dialogue
Safe for ages: 13+
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