Star Lords Star Lords
Made by: Simtex Studios Inc.
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A great idea
A piece of history
To much micromanagement

Most of the time you would see here a remake of some game, with better graphics and sounds, as well as a public license. well here we have something completely different- a prequel to one of the best 4X games in existence, a game that could be called "Master of Orion 1/2 " or simply Star Lords.

The story behind this game is simple- when Steve Barcia was just an inexperienced game developer with too much enthusiasm in his eyes, and too few games behind him to be seriously taken by anyone high enough, he and his colleagues decided to make this game (I can't even get myself to say "beta", because the game is perfectly playable) and send it to various developers in hope to get rich and famous :). The rest is history.

This game at first glance looks very similar to the MOO one, but it's a very fine example of what games would be like, if engineers were allowed to make them without beta testers by their side- the interface (which has all the functions you need, unless you can't do simple algebra ) is a pain below the back. Enjoy this piece of history, and don't curse your marketing department. :) Here buy replica watches which are swiss watches.

Updater's Note: When the copy protection screen appears, just press enter.

Review by: a1s

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