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Made by: Origamihero
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Good graphics
Easy Controls
Pretty good sound
Difficulty level

Ah what a nice title: simply A Game With A Kitty. I can imagine a lot of thought went into choosing the title - but that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. You don't play a game for its title, right? You play a game for the experience. Although the author of A Game With A Kitty claims that it was developed in just a couple of weeks, the game nevertheless looks like a very nice platform game overall.

The story starts out simple enough. The village of our kitty hero seems to have decided that he is to explore the mysterious tower and learn more about it, although, well, the villagers doen't exactly put a lot of trust or faith in our hero. (That's the typical treatment platform heroes get in their villages: no respect.) So now our wannabe hero goes out to discover the truth.

The graphics look pretty good. It is somewhat hard to believe that this was all done in two weeks. They are very nicely done; props to the developer. The backgrounds look nice; they fit the mood of the game, although some of them use very similar colours. Soundwise, the game also does a decent job. There are arguably no really annoying sound effects, and the music is all right, too. But in case you disagree, you have the option to turn off the music at any time in the game if you don't want to hear it. Finally, the controls are easy enough to pick up. Unfortunately, you cannot customise the controls, so you're stuck with the default setup. I didn't discover any problems about it, but the author has mentioned there is a possibility that in the future you will be able to customise the controls.

As with most platform games, the difficulty level may be frustrating at first, and navigating through different parts of levels can be a challenge. Especially when you have to do some backtracking in order to get to a different part of the level to collect an item.

Nevertheless, A Game With A Kitty is a fun platform game and I'm glad I got to try it out, so you too should give it a try, despite the odd title.

Review by: DeathDude

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